Magic Moves

Key practices to move forward in life

Transform negative emotions into positive energy, fostering personal growth, well-being, and inner peace.
Analyze the current reality, understand its fundamental causes, and create effective methods to shape the future.
Clarify your thoughts and convey complex ideas quickly and effectively.
Mental Housecleaning Magic Move
How to diligently remove the weeds from the fertile soil of your mind.
Be comfortable to ask for help if you need it. It’s a sign of strength, not weakness.
When you are feeling anxious, focus on the good things in life to make them grow.
Detach from the need to reach your goals and pour all your creative energy into the process.
Learn to let go to relieve yourself from suffering, negativity, and inner blocks.
How to set aside your personal preferences and let life unfold more naturally.
Change your perspective on your problems, doubts, or worries to make them look smaller.
A simple practice for introspection, self-questioning, and raising your awareness.
Gratitude Magic Move
Fill yourself with thankfulness for being alive to upgrade your everyday experience.
Raising your awareness Magic Move
How to put space between yourself and what you have gathered physically and mentally.
Magic Moves Affirmations
Deliberately expose your mind to empowering triggers to condition your mental models.
Magic Moves Visualization
Use the power of your mind to (re)construct and (re)condition your own reality.
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Manage Your Emotions Like an Olympic Athlete

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