Our Purpose
Our purpose is to transform the Quality of Life Experience (QLX) of every individual, everywhere.
Our Vision
For Individuals
We envision a world where every individual has the understanding, tools, and opportunities to live a life true to themselves.
These individuals are self-aware and express their talents in meaningful ways, leading to deep fulfillment.
People of all ages understand the connection between their energies, mind, body, and surroundings, allowing them to achieve optimal well-being.
These healthy humans can savour the present whilst being committed to making the world a better place.
For Work
We envision a redefinition of the economic landscape, in which the focus has moved from material metrics of the industrial economy to indices of holistic well-being and regeneration of the wisdom economy.
We imagine Quality of Life Experience (QLX) becoming a guiding metric to shape economic policies and societal interventions.
This paradigm shift would transform workplaces from locations to clock hours into vibrant communities built on collaboration and shared purpose.
In this landscape, technology serves as an ally, eliminating tedious tasks, automating monotonous work, and freeing up time for creative and meaningful endeavors.
For Education
Fundamental to all of this is a re-imagination of the education system, in which the classic process of knowledge transfer has been transformed into a lifelong experience of self-development and expression.
At school, children and adolescents are encouraged to understand themselves, nurture their innate curiosity, and express their natural creativity. The curriculum cultivates emotional intelligence, resilience, and a sense of purpose towards the global community.
Education is not confined to the classroom. Adults embrace lifelong learning as a way to keep expanding their horizons and openly share their know-how with others.
For the Global Community
In this world, social bonds thrive, fostering enriching and supportive relationships.
A strong sense of unity, interdependence, and shared responsibility creates a global community where people feel seen, heard, and valued.
Our relationship with the natural environment has been transformed. We exist in harmony with our ecosystem once again, recognizing ourselves both as stewards and integral parts of an interdependent whole.
This vision is not just a lofty aspiration but a potential reality.
It can be achieved through collective effort, commitment, and a profound paradigm shift in how we perceive ourselves and our place in the universe.
We believe that, together, we can create a world where everyone can flourish and experience life to the fullest.
Our Core Values
We stimulate transformation, shifting the ordinary into the extraordinary, the mundane into the magnificent, and challenges into opportunities for growth.
Wisdom is our compass. We aim to address challenges holistically and at their root. We focus on the fundamental principles of human development to ensure that our solutions are effective and meaningful.
All things are one and the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. We are one team united around a single cause. We strive for coherence across everything that we do.
We take the initiative. We are responsible, courageous, and decisive. We walk our talk, practice what we preach, and live by example.
We are open-minded, curious, and imaginative people who cross-pollinate between different areas, making unexpected connections to shift the status quo.
How We Work
Holistic instead of fragmented
Everything in personal development is connected. All our programs are tied. We don't say A in one program and B in another.
Fundamental principles instead of random concepts
We simplify complex topics by explaining, understanding, and working with the first principles at play.
Extraordinary instead of ordinary
We combine science, technology, and creativity to build practical, beautiful, and compelling personal growth experiences, both online and onsite.
Systems instead of chaos
We transform expertise into simple systems and frameworks that are easy to verify, understand, and implement.
Strategy instead of tactics
We advocate for long-term solutions instead of focusing on short-term tactics.
Transformation instead of information
Our goal is to transform lives, not overload people with information. We create simple, practical, and to-the-point products and services.
Why QLX?
QLX stands for Quality of Life Experience. Click on the hotspots to learn more.
The Q in our logo is open, signifying the importance of escaping our old ways of thinking. We aim to change paradigms about quality of life and performance. We must let go of the old to make space for the new.
Q stands for Quality. Everyone aspires to a high quality of life experience. We work with a dedicated team of world-class experts and creatives to safeguard the quality of our work.
L stands for Life. We think big, holistic, and harmonious. The term QLX includes all life, aiming to create a harmonious, high quality of life experience for all life, which is a prerequisite for a thriving ecosystem.
The L in our name also symbolizes “Ladder.” It is our responsibility to make sure that the ladder of our audience is leaning against the right wall, or otherwise, every step they take will just get them to the wrong place faster.
The opening in the X symbolizes how transformation always happens through experience. We can’t change for the client, only through the client. People don’t change through the mere transfer of information. We thus design experiences that create the space for transformation to happen.
X also stands for the fact that Quality of Life is subjective. The experience is all we have, we are always creating our experience from within. Reality doesn’t happen to us, it happens through us. The best way to elevate our QLX is to transform ourselves.
Robin Schindelka
Mathieu Gram
Michaël Bultheel
Jolien Lewyllie
Thomas De Meersman
Arne Jaspers
Bert Ackaert
Lien Steurs
Yannick Lefèbvre
Toon de Beukelaar
Useful Links
Personal X
Get human-to-human support from a team of world-class, Olympic-level experts who guide you toward personal transformation.
Learn more.
Company X
You can find an overview of our transformational programs for companies on this page.
Online X
You can find an overview of our online programs on this page.
Onsite X
You can find an overview of our onsite experiences on this page.
We publish articles, Magic moves, Personal Growth Interventions, and more on a regular basis. If you have a QLX account and are logged in, you can save your favorites to your account.
Log in
On this page, you can log in to your QLX account.
Contact Us
Visit our Contact Us page for all our contact details or email us directly at support@qlxnow.com. Expect a reply within 24h on business days. Feel free to write us in the language of your preference.
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Company info
Official info
QLX BV - Holsbeeksesteenweg 300, Leuven, 3010, Belgium
VAT: BE1002.351.874
Bank: BE83734073478115
Email: support(at)qlx.now
Main Office
QLX - Gemeenteplein 26/10, Leuven, 3010, Belgium
X Center
Health House, Gaston Geenslaan 11 Building B4, Leuven, 3001, Belgium